Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Have you ever wanted to be popular? i always have. I thought if i could just have more friends if everyone knew my name i would be filled. But thats not true. Being popular just means more pressure different trails its just so hard. I found out that being popular with God is the only popular i want to be. I may not have 200 friends on facebook i may not have followers on twitter but i have the greatest friend the greatest follower. and He is Jesus Christ! So I don't want to have the most friends or the most followers i just want my Jesus by my side!! One day it will pay off! don't get me wrong i am still going to be friendly and make friends!! But i'm going to work the hardest on Mine and Jesus's relationship! I love him so much! He knows that and thats what the most important thing is!

You may want to be popular. But what kind of popular do you want?

<3 love.

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