Wednesday, September 16, 2009

day 5?

Hey guys sorry! Its been a while since you got a post i just have been so busy with everything (school socccer church then more school!!) this saturday is my b-day!! :)) woot woot! i will b 15 (I feel so young!!! :) yay)! My sisters birthday was yesterday and my moms was monday!! we are just have a birthday week in this house! lol. So i have a soccer game at 12:15 i beleive then hopefullyi can get together with some friends!!(: we will see how it goes!!! haha. Well i better get back to schooll!!!
as tigger would say ta ta for now!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

weekend yet? day 4!

Hey guys!!! sorry bout the long wait time has gotton away from me!! well these days have been interesting!! i have taken 2 vocab quizes but on the one quiz i got like 3 wrong and the o0ther i got 1!!! so not to shaby!! I WISH ITWAS THE WEEKEND!!! UGHHH!!!! i wish it was sat already!!! im so sick of this week! i feel like I want to sleep like all day!!!! i think im getting sick :( so tonight i am going to turn it early (10pm) i wish i had more to say but i really don't I will type something longer saturday or something!!!(:
bye bye readers!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Early Morning Day 3

Howdy readers!
Well today i woke up at 6:30 ughhh!! so early haha. Im still in bed haven't left yet. lol. I will have to at 7:30 and its already 7:20 so i'll hurry it up. Today is friday!!!! YES!!! I am so excited! I think i should get this day off cuz its labor day right? but i guess we dont. maybe we get monday off. yea yea i think i get monday off. I hope so but i doubt it. :'( I know that my friend starts all her school on monday so i doubt i'll get it off :( bummers. well yesterday i said i was in love with high lighters. Today it is fans!!!! let me just say something ... IT IS SOOOOOOO HOT! ... okay feel good :) haha. I have a fan blowing right on me and it still feels hot. Geesh. well today is going to be a busy day lets see I have school then piano then i have to make brownies cuz we (I and my 2 sisters) do a bible study and i am going to bring brownies to eat after we eat dinner :) yummiez. and that doesn't end till like 9:30 sometimes 10. I have a lot of work in school to do so i better go. I forgot i neeed to eat breakfast. So i'll let you guys read the last bit and hopefully you guys will have a wonderful day!! Dont forget: YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE!!

I want everyone to know that i am not saying any of these schools are bad. My friends and family have been through public school and turned out fine...or as fine as my friends can be. :P Im just stating facts for those who don't beleive in homeschool. Some people have even said IM close minded cuz i've never tried public school. But do you really have to experience something to learn from it? No. If someone tells you fires are hot are you going to throw yourself in a burning fire? I mean its common since. so anyway i just want to tell you that im not being closed minded. i even wanted to try public school. but then i heard some stories...and well changed my mind.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm in love!!! day 2!

Dear Readers,
I bet your wondering why i said Im in love? well its actually simple. I am in love with high lighters. I love them!! They are so amazing! For my english we get these vocab words and you have to go through the glossary to get the deffenition and I high light the ones i've done and it makes you feel so accomplished! Well anyway I love high lighters a new fact.
So right now i am waiting for my friend to sign on so that we can do skype and go over our english. We have never done this before with each other so this is very interesting. I love it though. (wow im saying a lot about love aren't i?) Well my friend just signed on g2g! (got to go)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 1!

Hello Fellow readers! I am a teenager who has decided to write about being homeschooled. I am in 10th grade. A lot of people don't understand what homeschool is. Well i am going to show everyone what i do.

Homeschool is a lot like public school. Except im doing homework all day. People say that public school is "regular" school. But its not. I mean think about all the different types of schools there are. Think about....yes i am asking you to think off of school hours!...there is private school and charter school! (thats all i can think of) Some people also think my parents arn't qualified to teach me. Those people really need to look into homeschooling some more. Because actually the books teach me. My parents help me! Sure they taught me when i was in elementry school but i know they are a lot smarter then a 5th grader (that song pops in my head "Are you smarter then a 5th grader grab a pencil and a peice a paper...okay i'll stop) So anyway i think i've made my points.
So today is day 3 of school. Now i was ready for school and all happy about it but now....I wish it would go away. AND THATS JUST AFTER 3 DAYS!! Am i the only teen like this or does everyone feel this way on day 3? Today i did algebra 2, History, Science and English. :) I start pian-A this friday!! thats exciting and i do soccer tuesdays and thursdays but we are actually starting to do a weds practice too! Well day 3 almost complete because my dad is going to come home and we are going to go through my math. Joy!
Well So long my fellow readers.