Howdy readers!
Well today i woke up at 6:30 ughhh!! so early haha. Im still in bed haven't left yet. lol. I will have to at 7:30 and its already 7:20 so i'll hurry it up. Today is friday!!!! YES!!! I am so excited! I think i should get this day off cuz its labor day right? but i guess we dont. maybe we get monday off. yea yea i think i get monday off. I hope so but i doubt it. :'( I know that my friend starts all her school on monday so i doubt i'll get it off :( bummers. well yesterday i said i was in love with high lighters. Today it is fans!!!! let me just say something ... IT IS SOOOOOOO HOT! ... okay feel good :) haha. I have a fan blowing right on me and it still feels hot. Geesh. well today is going to be a busy day lets see I have school then piano then i have to make brownies cuz we (I and my 2 sisters) do a bible study and i am going to bring brownies to eat after we eat dinner :) yummiez. and that doesn't end till like 9:30 sometimes 10. I have a lot of work in school to do so i better go. I forgot i neeed to eat breakfast. So i'll let you guys read the last bit and hopefully you guys will have a wonderful day!! Dont forget: YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE!!
I want everyone to know that i am not saying any of these schools are bad. My friends and family have been through public school and turned out fine...or as fine as my friends can be. :P Im just stating facts for those who don't beleive in homeschool. Some people have even said IM close minded cuz i've never tried public school. But do you really have to experience something to learn from it? No. If someone tells you fires are hot are you going to throw yourself in a burning fire? I mean its common since. so anyway i just want to tell you that im not being closed minded. i even wanted to try public school. but then i heard some stories...and well changed my mind.
Wait, isn't Monday Labor Day?