Tuesday, November 17, 2009

life of a bee. part 1.

Wake up, Its time to go. You stretch your wings. It starting to get cold this is not good for you For you are a bee and cold is not welcomed You start to buzz about the hive. Say Hi to the queen then get your misson from the gaurd bee. Your job is to get pollen its a dangerous job but you will do it for the hive Your friend pulls up beside youthe two of you get on the runway. You see the group before you take off you watch them until their out of side! your scared. The world outside the hive is very dangerous. you know that you only have two defences your stinger and your wuick speed. But one of those will kill you. Its your turn you get on the take off zone. Your friend is reeady so are you he has strngth you can feel it! You look out unto a world that is much bigger and scarier then anything in the hive! most bees don't make it back! you hear the first buzz telling you to get in postion and the 2nd buzz meaning to start your wings. You know the 3rd buzzz in coming your little organs are going crazy! Your so nervous! then you hear the third buzz. You launch yourself of the runway! Your flying your flying! Your wing man is to the right of you. Then you hear the wossshhhh of the hive leaving you. Your antenna smells so many things! flowers are everywhere! You start to laugh which comes out as a buzz. you were nervous for no reason. Your wing man lets out a low buzz telling you its time to go in for the dive! you are so happy you frogot about the dive! your win man dives you follow. you can smell the pollon! its getting closer! you can feel the wind pulling you! you fight as hard as you can THEN you HIT the flower! you landing wasn't as succsesful as your wing man's but you made it! the pollon sticks to your legs you roll around in it! your wing man buzzes at you telling you to stop fooling around. You do you know the queen needs this. You start to feel the cold on your wings. But you fight it off. You need to get to the hive! you beat your wings faster then you ever had! Your gonna make it! you can see the hive its in clear veiw! but wait whats that? ....

what is this feeling?

You met him today!
Its late and your telling me how it went.
Everyone loved him!
Im thinking hes the guy from our prays!
I suck in your emotion!
I can feel what you feel!
You feel like you couldn't be happier!!!
You thanking Jesus For this day!
Wishing you could relive every moment that has past!
Did it have to end?
I can feel it@ somethings happening in you!
You sound so happy!
Im thinking hes the one for you!
Can this be?
You say you have to sleep now.
But you just gave me your happiness!
I think i like this my friend!
The new emotion you gave me!
It feels like princess land!
His he your Prince?
Oh the feeling is unmistakable.
It is Young Love :)

deeedeedadada :)

well i am listening to a song by reba and faith hill called sleeoping with the tellephone :( it is the sadest song i heard in a while. Its about a military wife who has a husband who is over seas and the only thing she has to comfort her is the tellphone calls they have. My uncle is in the military, and he was overseas and i missed him a lot. Well anyway. so today im trying to do my paper but its about curfews and why teens need them but i have no idea what my points are gonna be!!! ughhh!! and i have to have it done by friday or i'll have to do it over my thanksgiving break. ya not gonna happen. lol. I love homeschooling. and nobody can change my mind. sure public school is cool. but come on school in pj's computer and phone by your side all day! haha yea its the life :) i cant wait for thanksgiving and all the good food! im going to be doing a 3v3 this weekend at wal nut but i haven't gotton a call. and i really dont wanna do it but i guess i am. And then on monday...guess what? NO SCHOOL! and tuesday and wensday and thursday and FRIDAY! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! lol. well i gotta go do my school ta ta for now!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the meaning of names....

have you ever wondered what the meaning of your names means? well for me i didn't have to wonder far! lol ;) my name actually means giver of hope. Well i've been lacking on my job! LOL. I need to give hope to people and be happy. :-) i wonder am i like that? there are so many good names out there i cant beleive it! I wonder how they figure out what the meaning of names means? ya know? its like i know what it means but who decided that! So today im gonna say have hope!!! :) cuz no matter what you do God will be with you! So anyway this week is going umm pretty good i guess. I wish i had my phone but thats alright. 2 weeks without it will do me good (ahhh i have 9 more days!!! NOOOO). Have you ever done something right but felt it was wrong?? thats how i feel. I wish it would go away. but its just not. ughh :( bummer. school is going pretty good. kinda lame but hey its school right? right now my head hurts and i feel like theres a drum in there so im going to try to take a nap. I hope everyones doing good and Remember you can do anything if you beleive in God. :)
God Bless you.
yours truly.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

well well well..

what to do what to do? my phones gone and i cant drive myself or i would of been at my friends! but since my sisters are party poopers i couldn't go! :( now im listening to taylor swift and going to find a book to read..i know old school ...but cant go on facebook and my phone i have to find something else to enjoy! i think i found a good romance book! btw please pray for me. My life right now is on hold and im trying to work things out wit my family and Jesus. thanks to all :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

day 1 withought texting and facebook

well like all addicts everything is hard to go away from. and let me tell ya it is going to be hard. My mom has a facebook so i will always be struggling to keep myself away. but for now im going to get out more take more walks so i can take pictures and get my photography skills back up. i know for a while they were going down cuz all i didwas go on facebook or text. but not anymore. i will be doing better! :) its going to be hard to explain to ppeople but i can do it. i know it sounds like a bigger deal then it is but it will work. i hope no i pray i can do this. 2 weeks without facebook and texting on my phone..wow. and this is only day 1.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

peaches and pies

the life of a homeschool teen isn't all peaches and pies. i think about what has happened in my life and im just a sophmore right? i think bout it and wonder what would of happened if i didn't confess. i sit down and wonder that everyday i held a secret for about 2 weeks mainly a week. i was bout to do the one of the biggest mistakes i could of done. but because of my friend and sisters who love me so much they helped me through. i will always love them for what they have done. right now they have about done all they have but now its my turn to wake up and stop walloing in the past. stop beating myself up. why is it all about me?!??! Why do i fear the world more then God??? why am i scared of doing things alone. Its my time. and im going to go through with it. I will do it. and i will try as hard as i can!!!!! im not going to do this just for myself but im going to do this for Jesus. and im going to do it. this blog may not be the life of a homeschool teen cuz it might turn into be some of my stories. they may be stupid they may be dumb but im hoping it will help me from going online or texting. I am not going to have my phone anymore. No excuses. i have the home phone if you need to get in contact with me. So please if you need to contact me either on this blog or through my home phone. I wil lpray i can do this. cuz pray is the first start. I will go to sleep with a smile on my face. I will do this. Because i can.