Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Tomorrow my sister and I will be driving my parents to the airport. With the past holiday being Daddy's day I thought I would talk about my daddy, but talking about my daddy always needs to be followed by talking about my mommy! So first my daddy!

As I watched my daddy handle these past few months and everything that has been going on in our lives I have seen an amazing man. They say a daughter either marries her father or the complete opposite of her father. This past week I have seen my friend marry someone very similar to her dad. I don't know what God has in store for me with a man, but I hope he has all the great qualities of my daddy. My daddy is a kind man, he is sensitive to other people's feelings and knows how to make people laugh. I myself was lucky enough to have that quality, thanks to him! He treats women the way God intended them to be treated. He loves his wife and loves her with all he does. Yes, my daddy can get upset. There are times when you stay back from him or give him space. But really who doesn't have those moments? My daddy isn't perfect. But he's perfect for me, my mommy and my 2 older sisters. As I said before my daddy has handled this last few months like a champ! First there has been some drama in our family! With 3 colleges aged girls it's hard to avoid. When my mom was out of the loop we over heard him filling her in. Oh my goodness it was so sweet and so amazing how he kept up with all our drama! Next came his best friend's daughter's wedding! He was a champ! He even played a kissing game where he had to kiss my mama and then the bride and groom had to copy whatever they did! Oh boy, I will always remember that smooch! The love that my parents have is something I CAN wait to find, because I want it to be perfect and from God. Now here we are a lovely Tuesday night and I hear him snoring! He is so excited to travel with my mom to my cousin's wedding! I cannot wait to have them go and have a trip together, just the two of them!

Speaking of two of them, my mama! My mama is what city folks call the pioneer woman. I've talked about her before in a previous post. She is so incredibly silly! She loves to mess around with us. At one point she brought a garden hose turned ON into our house. She is one to not put immense value on worldly treasures. Yes, my mama values what she has but if something is going to be a little damaged in a game or by having fun she doesn't fret over it. I think that is the greatest thing she has ever taught me! My mama loves her husband. She has taught me what a wife does. Even though she doesn't explain every step of a wife, we see it in action. The respect she shows to him is great. (Again, my mama isn't perfect but she is perfect for us) I love the way she holds new born babies, or the way she dances at a wedding, or even the way she cranks up old music pushing the gas pedal down and rolls down the windows singing at the top of her lungs while driving. All those little things make my mommy the way she is.

My parents love for each other is strong, but the love I feel from them is even stronger. They make me so proud to call them my parents.

I love you Daddy & Mommy! Have a fun time at the wedding.


Your redheaded daughter

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