Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the call.

have u ever wanted to know what the call from God was in your life? i wish i knew for sure what it was. my family are all very smart people. No matter what the subject they get A's. But me. its school is just not me. i cant stand it. I would rather study the bible meditate on Jesus Christ then learn why my body functions as it does. I works right??!?!!? So why do i need to learn how its run? sure studying it shows me how much God loves me but i love history i wanna know why Jesus did the things he did what were post to do. Please pray for me. I feel stupid in a house full of smartie pants. I want to go into ministry rather then knowletry! maybe God will change my heart but for now its what i want to do. sometimes its hard to hear the call. sometimes its easy. Don't you wish God would make up his mind. Well off to take a shower then prob back on the comp or reading the bible have a nice day i'll be praying for you!


  1. I can totally see you as a missionary! Have you thought about that?

  2. yeah i have. I really want to either do birthchoice or siblings..idk we will see.
