Saturday, August 24, 2013

I'm Gay

At my title automatically you know what this blog post will be about. But you are wrong. Stop judging, put your cell phone down and relax because I am NOT gay. But I knew this title would make a lot of people jump, especially my Christian friends, as it should. (I like boys, lets just remember that through this post.) Why does everyone start judging as soon as they see "GAY." What about if you see "DRUNK" you would probably laugh think of a funny story of your mate getting totally wasted and laughing your head off. When I see drunk I see: Harm, Anger, A man dead because of it, a year out of my house. I don't see funny. What about "SIN" Well I hope you think of yourself and not automatically start judging others 'cause well're in sin. Why is "gay" or "homosexual" the word that gets everyone's panties in a bunch? Because it's wrong? Because you don't want your child to see it? But what about grace?

God never said "love everyone but attack those homosexuals" You will never see that written down in his book. Grace now that you will see a lot of. Love that you will see also. Now I'm just a teenager I'm no theologian I'm also not stupid. I'm not saying we have to accept all homosexuals but loving them isn't accepting their sin. I'm not sitting here typing this out just cause I think its a hot topic, I live it too. I have friends that live the way they want, but they also know I do not accept their sin. BUT BUT Listen....I love them. (GASP WHAT!!!) Yeah that's right I love them. Sometimes it's awkward cause I don't like what they do...but me standing around with a sign is not going to change their actions. I don't stand around with a sign for my straight friends who are having sex out of wedlock, (they also know I don't accept their sin) but I'm not going to not be friends with them.

So I come back to what I was saying in the beginning: How is homosexuallity such a big sin that God needs US to help judge? When did we put the grading scale on sin? "oh you told a white lie you're a number 1 sinner, OMG YOU'RE HOMOSEXUAL YOU GO STRAIGHT TO NUMBER 10"

Why can't we all just calm down, share the word of God appropriately. Shoving it down someone's throat will not help. Living by example (DING) now that is going to cause people to stop and look at us Christians. Being real, showing that we sin too and our sin is no more "greater" than that of a different sin. We all sin, we just sin differently.

So, I'm not gay and I will not support gay rights, but I support loving each other. I accept the person, I do not accept the sin. Let's be set apart Christians. (and I mean set apart for good for being a light not for holding a sign

"This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor anyone who does not love their brother or sister."

"He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed" Proverbs 3:34

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