Lying is a trap. But when you are trapped you don't even know it. I know there are no excuses. But I see lying as an addiction. One lie leads to another, the other leads to a bigger one and sooner than you think you are living those lies. Every liar gets to a point where they decide to keep lying or to tell the truth. You also don't just hit that point once but many of times. When I was little my lying was exaggeration. If I came home and nothing exciting happened than, I made something exciting happen. I wanted people to look at me and see me as adventurous and fun. But some days adventures are boring, so I would spice it up. Soon bigger and bigger lies happened. I was pretty exciting but I couldn't be alone with myself because I would remember all the lies. I would confess them, but only to the point where it only showed some of the lie. I never really truly showed myself because there was so many.
Story after story, I wrapped myself in my blanket of lies. It was cozy, it was safe. Until I realized that's not who I wanted anymore. Eventually I shared my past. My boyfriend didn't speak for me for days until finally deciding to move past it with the exception of trust leaving the table. My sisters wouldn't believe ANY of my stories. My friends would question them. It was a challenge. But I made it.
Still to this day I lie. I catch myself in them all the time. I have a battle in my head, tell the truth? or spice it up? Sometimes I win, sometimes the lies win. I will always have this battle. But everyday I choose who is gonna win. I know a lot of people are in this battle and it doesn't seem that relevant but lies are something that happen with everyday conversations and actions. It hurts everyone involved when the liar is caught. I know it's not really a poem I don't know what it is but I started working on it after I realized that I am a liar and the lies that lies tell me.
Twist of Lies
I am an option
But I come with a price
I will take the ones you love away
They won't know you
I will consume your thoughts
You will think of me at all times
I will hold you together
I will crush you when you slip
One small move
And I will be your first thought
I will tell you what to say
You will be frightened to share me
Trust you will not receive
You will only be intimate with me
Your lovers will get over me
But I will never let you go
I will eat you alive
and you will make me grow
Hiding me makes me stronger
Exposing me kills you
Use me once
And I become your only option
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