Tuesday, November 17, 2009

life of a bee. part 1.

Wake up, Its time to go. You stretch your wings. It starting to get cold this is not good for you For you are a bee and cold is not welcomed You start to buzz about the hive. Say Hi to the queen then get your misson from the gaurd bee. Your job is to get pollen its a dangerous job but you will do it for the hive Your friend pulls up beside youthe two of you get on the runway. You see the group before you take off you watch them until their out of side! your scared. The world outside the hive is very dangerous. you know that you only have two defences your stinger and your wuick speed. But one of those will kill you. Its your turn you get on the take off zone. Your friend is reeady so are you he has strngth you can feel it! You look out unto a world that is much bigger and scarier then anything in the hive! most bees don't make it back! you hear the first buzz telling you to get in postion and the 2nd buzz meaning to start your wings. You know the 3rd buzzz in coming your little organs are going crazy! Your so nervous! then you hear the third buzz. You launch yourself of the runway! Your flying your flying! Your wing man is to the right of you. Then you hear the wossshhhh of the hive leaving you. Your antenna smells so many things! flowers are everywhere! You start to laugh which comes out as a buzz. you were nervous for no reason. Your wing man lets out a low buzz telling you its time to go in for the dive! you are so happy you frogot about the dive! your win man dives you follow. you can smell the pollon! its getting closer! you can feel the wind pulling you! you fight as hard as you can THEN you HIT the flower! you landing wasn't as succsesful as your wing man's but you made it! the pollon sticks to your legs you roll around in it! your wing man buzzes at you telling you to stop fooling around. You do you know the queen needs this. You start to feel the cold on your wings. But you fight it off. You need to get to the hive! you beat your wings faster then you ever had! Your gonna make it! you can see the hive its in clear veiw! but wait whats that? ....

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